Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Blowing off the dust here...

Haven't been on this forever.   Just starting to crawl back out of my head where I resided trapped for the last ten days or so.  It was pretty heavy and drawn-out this time.  I think it was partly just the toll of being out here for this extended time, some wonkiness to be expected.

Here's what I gotta do in the coming weeks/days.

General calendar (for now):
- Staying in Ithaca for 10 more days, leaving August 17th
- Remainder of August 8/18~: work on thesis at home
- Start job-work again in September, with regular meetings with researcher through the semester (advisor unavailable til next spring)

During the next 10 days:
- Remaining meetings:
8/8 (Wed.) with researcher
8/9 (Thu.) with advisor
8/13 (Mon.) with advisor
8/15 (Wed.) with researcher
8/16 (Thu.) with advisor

Must have concrete things accomplished to present for the advisor meetings.  For the upcoming one in two days, must do:
- literature research on comparative studies / articles on American and Japanese cultures [have a list of references to show]
- organize and develop emerging themes further for results section

I think part of the reason why I'm having difficulty diving into these is because both are rather formless, nebulous, messy processes.  The literature review I have at least a few concrete to-do items figured out for (one of which was to email the Japanese bibiographer on campus, which I already did earlier today) so I might devote the rest of today to that assignment and tomorrow for the theme development portion (hopefully I'll be in a better state tomorrow if today ends up being somewhat productive).

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